BOSE SoundTouch Wireless Pedestal – Wave SoundTouch – Disassembling procedure – Tap command – wifi test – Test procedure – Audio System repair and service
Category: Audio system Repair and Service
Contents of this article
- Disassembling procedure
- Tap command procedure
- WiFi Test procedure
- Country code programming
BOSE SoundTouch Wireless Pedestal
Note: Refer to the figure below for the following procedures.
1. Top Cover Removal
1.1 With the unit upside down, remove the six screws (15) on the bottom of the unit that secure the top cover (1) to the base (2).
1.2 Turn the unit back over and lift off the top cover.
Note: Service replacement top covers include the front bezel that is adhered to the front of the top cover. The part number is located on the main parts list.
2. Input/Output PCB Assembly Removal
2.1 Perform procedure 1.
2.2 Disconnect the Bose Link cable (4) from J201 on the I/O PCB (8). Disconnect the two ribbon cables (6,17) at J200 and J300 that run to the Wi-Fi Module PCB (7).
2.3 Remove the two screws that secure the I/O PCB assembly to the base. Lift out the I/O PCB assembly.
1. Top Cover Removal
1.1 With the unit upside down, remove the six screws (15) on the bottom of the unit that secure the top cover (1) to the base (2).
1.2 Turn the unit back over and lift off the top cover.
Note: Service replacement top covers include the front bezel that is adhered to the front of the top cover. The part number is located on the main parts list.
2. Input/Output PCB Assembly Removal
2.1 Perform procedure 1.
2.2 Disconnect the Bose Link cable (4) from J201 on the I/O PCB (8). Disconnect the two ribbon cables (6,17) at J200 and J300 that run to the Wi-Fi Module PCB (7).
2.3 Remove the two screws that secure the I/O PCB assembly to the base. Lift out the I/O PCB assembly.
Note: Be sure to retain the scrims that cover the connectors and the reset button from the old I/O PCB for re-use.
3. Wi-Fi Module PCB Removal
3.1 Perform procedure 1.
3.2 Disconnect the two ribbon cables (6,17) at J1203 and J1201 that run to the I/O PCB (8) assembly.
3.3 Remove the three screws that secure the Wi-Fi PCB (7) assembly to the base. Lift out the Wi-Fi PCB.
4. Enclosure Base Removal
4.1 Perform procedure 1.
4.2 Remove the I/O (8) and Wi-Fi Module PCB (7) assemblies using procedures 2 and 3. You can now replace the base (2).
Note: The Service replacement enclosure base is supplied with the Bose Link cable, rear panel I/O label and feet attached as a Service subassembly.
3. Wi-Fi Module PCB Removal
3.1 Perform procedure 1.
3.2 Disconnect the two ribbon cables (6,17) at J1203 and J1201 that run to the I/O PCB (8) assembly.
3.3 Remove the three screws that secure the Wi-Fi PCB (7) assembly to the base. Lift out the Wi-Fi PCB.
4. Enclosure Base Removal
4.1 Perform procedure 1.
4.2 Remove the I/O (8) and Wi-Fi Module PCB (7) assemblies using procedures 2 and 3. You can now replace the base (2).
Note: The Service replacement enclosure base is supplied with the Bose Link cable, rear panel I/O label and feet attached as a Service subassembly.
Equipment Required:
# Computer w/serial port
# Wave Music system III
# RS232 to TTL converter
# Lifestyle ETAP Cable, P/N 264565
TeraTerm terminal emulator (
TAP commands are sent to the SoundTouch wireless pedestal by connecting to the SERVICE connector on the back of the pedestal.
An ETAP cable and RS232 to TTL Converter are required for this communication. The ETAP cable is available from Bose (see part number above). The RS232 to TTL Converter is made by B+B electronics, model number 232LPTTL.
# Computer w/serial port
# Wave Music system III
# RS232 to TTL converter
# Lifestyle ETAP Cable, P/N 264565
TeraTerm terminal emulator (
TAP commands are sent to the SoundTouch wireless pedestal by connecting to the SERVICE connector on the back of the pedestal.
An ETAP cable and RS232 to TTL Converter are required for this communication. The ETAP cable is available from Bose (see part number above). The RS232 to TTL Converter is made by B+B electronics, model number 232LPTTL.
TAP commands are needed for the following procedures:
A. Wi-Fi Test
B. Serial Number Programing
C. Setting Wi-Fi Country Code
A. Wi-Fi Test
B. Serial Number Programing
C. Setting Wi-Fi Country Code
1. Tera Term Terminal USB Setup
Tera Term is a terminal emulator and can be downloaded at projects/ttssh2/. It is the interface used to send TAP commands to the SoundTouch wireless pedestal.
1.1 Connect the SoundTouch wireless pedestal to the Wave® Music system III using the Bose link cable on the pedestal.
1.2 Connect the Wave Music system III to AC power.
1.3 Connect the SoundTouch wireless pedestal to the computer.
# Connect the RS-232 to TTL converter to the COM port on the PC.
# Connect the TAP cable to the RS-232 to TTL converter.
# Plug the other end of the TAP cable into the SERVICE jack on the back of the SoundTouch wireless pedestal.
2. Teraterm Setup
2.1 Launch a Tera Term terminal window and select serial communication and port.
Tera Term is a terminal emulator and can be downloaded at projects/ttssh2/. It is the interface used to send TAP commands to the SoundTouch wireless pedestal.
1.1 Connect the SoundTouch wireless pedestal to the Wave® Music system III using the Bose link cable on the pedestal.
1.2 Connect the Wave Music system III to AC power.
1.3 Connect the SoundTouch wireless pedestal to the computer.
# Connect the RS-232 to TTL converter to the COM port on the PC.
# Connect the TAP cable to the RS-232 to TTL converter.
# Plug the other end of the TAP cable into the SERVICE jack on the back of the SoundTouch wireless pedestal.
2. Teraterm Setup
2.1 Launch a Tera Term terminal window and select serial communication and port.
2.2 Select setup, then serial port to set the baud rate to 115,200 data to 8 bit, parity to none, stop to 1 bit and flow control to none.
3. Test TAP Communication
3.1 Enter TAP command “sys ver”. The system will respond with the software version similar to: BoseApp version: epdbuild.rel_1.x.hepdswbld05.2013-06- 18T15:50:19.
Functional Tests
Wi-Fi Functional Test Set Up
This test uses TAP commands to connect the product to a Wi-Fi network and stream audio from a Bose URL. The Bose SoundTouch application can be used in place of this test. Note: Do not download the audio file from the test URL
3.1 Enter TAP command “sys ver”. The system will respond with the software version similar to: BoseApp version: epdbuild.rel_1.x.hepdswbld05.2013-06- 18T15:50:19.
Functional Tests
Wi-Fi Functional Test Set Up
This test uses TAP commands to connect the product to a Wi-Fi network and stream audio from a Bose URL. The Bose SoundTouch application can be used in place of this test. Note: Do not download the audio file from the test URL
Determine the security type for your router and select the appropriate TAP command for connecting to a Wi-Fi Router (WEP, WPA, or no security). Refer to TAP Command Setup. Connect the SoundTouch wireless pedestal to the Wave Music system III using the Bose link cable on the pedestal. Connect the Wave Music system III to AC power.
1. Connecting to a Wi-Fi Router
1.1 Enter the following TAP command for your router security type setting. Do not enter parentheses.
1.1.1 WEP Security Type
airplay wep profile (SSID) (Password)
1.1.2 WPA Security Type
airplay wpa profile (SSID) (tkip or aes)
1.1.3 No Security
airplay Wi-Fi profile (SSID)
1.2 Wait for the Wi-Fi indicator LED on the back of the unit to turn white. This may take up to a minute. While the unit is connecting, it will flash amber. If the indicator does not turn white, enter the TAP command again.
2. Testing the Wi-Fi Module.
2.1 Enter the following TAP commands.
Press the <enter> key on your keyboard after each command. You should see an OK response in the Tera Term dialog box. sys configuration DemoAudioURL audio/take5.mp3 <enter> sys configuration DemoNetworkEnabled true <enter>
1. Connecting to a Wi-Fi Router
1.1 Enter the following TAP command for your router security type setting. Do not enter parentheses.
1.1.1 WEP Security Type
airplay wep profile (SSID) (Password)
1.1.2 WPA Security Type
airplay wpa profile (SSID) (tkip or aes)
1.1.3 No Security
airplay Wi-Fi profile (SSID)
1.2 Wait for the Wi-Fi indicator LED on the back of the unit to turn white. This may take up to a minute. While the unit is connecting, it will flash amber. If the indicator does not turn white, enter the TAP command again.
2. Testing the Wi-Fi Module.
2.1 Enter the following TAP commands.
Press the <enter> key on your keyboard after each command. You should see an OK response in the Tera Term dialog box. sys configuration DemoAudioURL audio/take5.mp3 <enter> sys configuration DemoNetworkEnabled true <enter>
demo enter <enter>
2.2 The song “Take 5” should play. Listen for clean undistorted audio.
2.3 Enter the following TAP command to exit the Wi-Fi test.
demo exit <enter>
Note: A Tera-Term macro that includes these TAP commands is available for download on the product’s repair information page. Place the macro file in the same folder as your Tera-Term program. Open Tera-Term, select Control, Macro, wifi_test.ttl. Once the macro runs, follow the prompts.
3. Factory Default Unit
3.1 Enter the TAP command sys factorydefault <enter>
3.2 Provide the customer instructions for reconnecting their system to their Wi-Fi network. Download the instructional sheet on the product’s repair information page.
4. USB Port Functional Test
4.1 Connect the SoundTouch wireless pedestal to a computer and run TAP command set up.
4.2 Type the command “local_services on” and <enter>. Then press CTRL-C on the keyboard. Then type “e” and <enter>. The command line lisa login: should be displayed on the computer.
4.3 Type the command “root” and <enter>. The command line should be root@lisa:root#.
4.4 Connect a USB thumb drive to the USB port located on the back of the product.
4.5 Type the command “lsusb”.
2.3 Enter the following TAP command to exit the Wi-Fi test.
demo exit <enter>
Note: A Tera-Term macro that includes these TAP commands is available for download on the product’s repair information page. Place the macro file in the same folder as your Tera-Term program. Open Tera-Term, select Control, Macro, wifi_test.ttl. Once the macro runs, follow the prompts.
3. Factory Default Unit
3.1 Enter the TAP command sys factorydefault <enter>
3.2 Provide the customer instructions for reconnecting their system to their Wi-Fi network. Download the instructional sheet on the product’s repair information page.
4. USB Port Functional Test
4.1 Connect the SoundTouch wireless pedestal to a computer and run TAP command set up.
4.2 Type the command “local_services on” and <enter>. Then press CTRL-C on the keyboard. Then type “e” and <enter>. The command line lisa login: should be displayed on the computer.
4.3 Type the command “root” and <enter>. The command line should be root@lisa:root#.
4.4 Connect a USB thumb drive to the USB port located on the back of the product.
4.5 Type the command “lsusb”.
4.6 Verify the unit responds with the name of the USB thumbdrive. Sample response - Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0781:5151 SanDisk Corp. Cruzer Micro Flash Drive.
4.7 Send the command “rm /mnt/nv/ local_services” and <enter>.
4.8 Send the command “exit” and <enter>. This will return to the TAP interface (CLI) and a TAP command line “->” should be shown.
5. Micro USB Port Functional Test
5.1 Using a micro USB to standard USB cable, insert the micro USB end of the cable into the SoundTouch connector labeled SETUP A (micro USB). Plug the other end of the cable into a USB port on a computer. Ensure that cable is properly seated.
5.2 Open your device manger and look under Network Adapters. You should see the SoundTouch Wi-Fi adapter as an adapter.
Directions: On your computer, click on Start and navigate to Run. In the window that opens, enter “mmc devmgmt.msc”. The device manager will open. In the device manager, expand the network adapters, you should see the SoundTouch wireless pedestal as an adapter.
6. Ethernet Connector Functional Test
6.1 Insert an Ethernet cable into the Ethernet connector on the SoundTouch system. Connect the other end of the cable to the router.
6.2 The LED lights on the product’s Ethernet connector should light up yellow and green after a few seconds indicating that the connector is functioning.
4.7 Send the command “rm /mnt/nv/ local_services” and <enter>.
4.8 Send the command “exit” and <enter>. This will return to the TAP interface (CLI) and a TAP command line “->” should be shown.
5. Micro USB Port Functional Test
5.1 Using a micro USB to standard USB cable, insert the micro USB end of the cable into the SoundTouch connector labeled SETUP A (micro USB). Plug the other end of the cable into a USB port on a computer. Ensure that cable is properly seated.
5.2 Open your device manger and look under Network Adapters. You should see the SoundTouch Wi-Fi adapter as an adapter.
Directions: On your computer, click on Start and navigate to Run. In the window that opens, enter “mmc devmgmt.msc”. The device manager will open. In the device manager, expand the network adapters, you should see the SoundTouch wireless pedestal as an adapter.
6. Ethernet Connector Functional Test
6.1 Insert an Ethernet cable into the Ethernet connector on the SoundTouch system. Connect the other end of the cable to the router.
6.2 The LED lights on the product’s Ethernet connector should light up yellow and green after a few seconds indicating that the connector is functioning.
Perform both of these procedures any time the Wi-Fi Module is replaced. Download two macros from the SoundTouchTM product’s repair information
page located on Place these macros in the Tera Term program folder.
page located on Place these macros in the Tera Term program folder.
1. Setting the Serial Number
1.1 Connect the SoundTouch wireless pedestal to a computer and run TAP command setup procedure.
1.2 Within Tera Term, select Control then Macro and Select the file -
1.3 Follow the prompts.
2. Setting the Country Code
2.1 Connect the SoundTouch wireless pedestal to a computer and run TAP command
2.2 Within Tera Term, select Control then Macro and Select the file -
2.4 Follow the prompts.
Note: Selecting us sets the Wi-Fi module to the US standard channels 1-11. Selecting eu sets the Wi-Fi module to EU standard channels 1-13
1. Setting the Serial Number
1.1 Connect the SoundTouch wireless pedestal to a computer and run TAP command setup procedure.
1.2 Within Tera Term, select Control then Macro and Select the file -
1.3 Follow the prompts.
2. Setting the Country Code
2.1 Connect the SoundTouch wireless pedestal to a computer and run TAP command
2.2 Within Tera Term, select Control then Macro and Select the file -
2.4 Follow the prompts.
Note: Selecting us sets the Wi-Fi module to the US standard channels 1-11. Selecting eu sets the Wi-Fi module to EU standard channels 1-13
3. Reading the Country Code.
3.1 Type the command “local_services on” and <enter>. Then press CTRL-C on the keyboard. Then type “e” and <enter>. The command line lisa login: should be displayed on the computer.
3.2 Type the command “root” and <enter>. The command line should be root@lisa:root#.
3.3 Enter “cat /var/tmp/mfgdata.xml”. The country code is displayed in the first line of the response.
3.4 Return to CLI prompt by entering the command “rm /mnt/nv/local_services” and <enter>.
3.5 Enter the command “exit” and <enter>. This will return to the TAP interface (CLI) and a TAP command line “->” should be shown.
3.1 Type the command “local_services on” and <enter>. Then press CTRL-C on the keyboard. Then type “e” and <enter>. The command line lisa login: should be displayed on the computer.
3.2 Type the command “root” and <enter>. The command line should be root@lisa:root#.
3.3 Enter “cat /var/tmp/mfgdata.xml”. The country code is displayed in the first line of the response.
3.4 Return to CLI prompt by entering the command “rm /mnt/nv/local_services” and <enter>.
3.5 Enter the command “exit” and <enter>. This will return to the TAP interface (CLI) and a TAP command line “->” should be shown.
1. Connect to Router
1.1 No security
“airplay wifi profile [network_name]” connects to a network w/ no security
1.2 WPA security
“airplay wpa profile [network_name] [security] [passphrase]” for WPA where security is TKIP or AES
1.3 WEP security
“airplay wep profile [network_name] [key]” for WEP security
2. Play Song from Demo URL
2.1 View Current system configuration “getpdo CurrentSystemConfiguration” will print out the current values
2.2 Enter location of demo URL“sys configuration DemoAudioURL http:// audio/take5.mp3”
2.3 Enable Demo “sys configuration DemoNetworkEnabled true”
2.4 Enter Demo mode “demo enter”
2.5 Exit Demo Mode “demo exit” or “sys reboot”
3. Enter Manufacturing mode
3.1 As soon as the unit starts to boot, hold shift and press “U” repeatedly until “U-Boot#” prompt is displayed. This will interupt the normal boot process.
3.2 At the U-Boot# prompt, enter TAP command “setenv variant_mode mfg”
3.3 Enter TAP command “boot” to reboot unit into manufacturing mode.
1.1 No security
“airplay wifi profile [network_name]” connects to a network w/ no security
1.2 WPA security
“airplay wpa profile [network_name] [security] [passphrase]” for WPA where security is TKIP or AES
1.3 WEP security
“airplay wep profile [network_name] [key]” for WEP security
2. Play Song from Demo URL
2.1 View Current system configuration “getpdo CurrentSystemConfiguration” will print out the current values
2.2 Enter location of demo URL“sys configuration DemoAudioURL http:// audio/take5.mp3”
2.3 Enable Demo “sys configuration DemoNetworkEnabled true”
2.4 Enter Demo mode “demo enter”
2.5 Exit Demo Mode “demo exit” or “sys reboot”
3. Enter Manufacturing mode
3.1 As soon as the unit starts to boot, hold shift and press “U” repeatedly until “U-Boot#” prompt is displayed. This will interupt the normal boot process.
3.2 At the U-Boot# prompt, enter TAP command “setenv variant_mode mfg”
3.3 Enter TAP command “boot” to reboot unit into manufacturing mode.
4. Set Country Code
The Wi-FI module can be set to EU or US standard, which determines which Wi-Fi channels are used. All countries outside the US are set to the EU Code. EU 1-13 ch , US 1-11 ch
4.1 Enter Manufacturing Mode (Procedure 3)
4.2 At the “->” prompt, enter TAP command “d dm870 cc (EU or US).
4.3 Enter TAP command “d reset” to reboot into normal mode.
5. Check Country Code.
5.1 Type the command “local_services on” and <enter>. Then press CTRL-C on the keyboard. Then type “e” and <enter>. The command line spotty login: should be displayed on the computer.
5.2 Enter TAP command “root” and <enter>. The command line should be root@spotty:root#.
5.3 Enter “cat /var/tmp/mfgdata.xml” without the quotes. The country code is displayed in the first line of the response.
5.4 Return to CLI prompt by entering the command “rm /mnt/nv/local_services” and <enter>.
5.5 Enter the command “exit” and <enter>. This will return to the TAP interface (CLI) and a TAP command line “->” should be shown.
The Wi-FI module can be set to EU or US standard, which determines which Wi-Fi channels are used. All countries outside the US are set to the EU Code. EU 1-13 ch , US 1-11 ch
4.1 Enter Manufacturing Mode (Procedure 3)
4.2 At the “->” prompt, enter TAP command “d dm870 cc (EU or US).
4.3 Enter TAP command “d reset” to reboot into normal mode.
5. Check Country Code.
5.1 Type the command “local_services on” and <enter>. Then press CTRL-C on the keyboard. Then type “e” and <enter>. The command line spotty login: should be displayed on the computer.
5.2 Enter TAP command “root” and <enter>. The command line should be root@spotty:root#.
5.3 Enter “cat /var/tmp/mfgdata.xml” without the quotes. The country code is displayed in the first line of the response.
5.4 Return to CLI prompt by entering the command “rm /mnt/nv/local_services” and <enter>.
5.5 Enter the command “exit” and <enter>. This will return to the TAP interface (CLI) and a TAP command line “->” should be shown.
BOSE SoundTouch Wireless Pedestal – Wave SoundTouch – Disassembling procedure – Tap command – wifi test – Test procedure – Audio System repair and service
Reviewed by Womens special
February 03, 2016

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